We have a small selection of adult and young adult books, along with plenty of children books from which to choose. Teachers, librarians, friends, and neighbors have all donated books to share.

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Lending libraries have become popular around the world with more than 100,000 worldwide. The Coyote Cone, in Morongo Valley, California, is happy to be one of them. A lending library can be set up almost anywhere but most often you will see them in neighborhoods, right in front of a residence. For most people it is a great way to share the love of reading with anyone who might pass by.

The Coyote Cone’s lending library is set up inside the shop where it is cool and you can take your time browsing through the selections. You do not need to purchase anything, but we are happy to scoop you some ice cream or fix a nice espresso coffee or cold brew for you. Stop by and take a book, read a book, leave a book!

Visit The Coyote Cone in Morongo Valley at 49574 Twentynine Palms Highway. We are open Monday – Saturday 6am-9pm and Sunday 8am-9pm. We will be so glad to see you!

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